Connecting Asia

Trade Facilitation Tools
The site provides information on global, regional, and country specific trade facilitation tools and platforms on tariff and non-tariff measures affecting trade for policy makers and business owners.

FTA Data
The site provides a compilation of institutions and platforms with information on free trade agreements (FTA), regional trade agreements and preferential trade arrangements - including implications for businesses.

Here you find recent project publications on topics of trade facilitation and private sector development as well as older published work from predecessor projects.

Trade Stats
A compilation of institutions and platforms offering data analysis tools, maps, and data on export, market access and other trade related information for policy makers and business representatives.

Here you find information on the latest project activities with respective materials to download as well as further links to partner websites. The site also includes activities from the predecessor projects.

Here you find general information on our project context, objectives, approaches, and outcomes achieved so far as well as a short introduction to the project team.