Trade and Business Support

ITC SheTrades

SheTrades was an initiative established by the International Trade Centre to address the barriers women face to access economic opportunities. SheTrades network is a community of currently over 40,000 members to buy, sell, learn and network with other women entrepreneurs, business associations and trade support organisations. A range of e-learning courses and webinars can also be accessed via the portal.

ASEAN Access

ASEAN Access, is a free information portal helping ASEAN and international businesses trade within the region by guiding them to new markets and helping them overcome practical hurdles associated with internationalisation. It especially supports ASEAN SMEs for their increased participation in international trade. Service providers can add their service info to the databank to increase their professional credibility and brand visibility. The registered users can also download market access info, read the latest news of relevancy, find distributors and network with other business here.

ITC Trade Map

The platform provides – in the form of tables, graphs and maps – indicators on export performance, international demand, alternative markets and competitive markets, as well as a directory of importing and exporting companies. Trade Map covers 220 countries and territories as well as 5300 products of the WCO’s Harmonized System. The monthly, quarterly and yearly trade flows are available from the most aggregated level to the tariff line level.

ITC Export Potential Map

The Export Potential Map is a free tool that turns economic analysis into practical trade information using the ITC export potential and diversification assessment methodology. Using the Map’s customizable and shareable visualisations, you can spot export opportunities for trade development regarding 1.) products, markets and suppliers with (untapped) export potential and 2.) opportunities for export diversification

ITC Market Access Map

The Market Access Map gives the opportunity to search for current and historical data regarding applied tariffs (MFN tariffs and preferential tariffs), tariff rate quotas and their ad valorem equivalent (AVE) of more than 200 countries and territories. It also contains information about rules and certificates of origin as well as other non-tariff measures and export and import trade flows.

ITC Trade Competitiveness Map

The Trade Competitiveness Map database is a useful tool for facilitating strategic market research. The Map includes a country’s Trade Performance Index, National Export Performance and National Import Profile, Foreign Investment Statistics, Trade Statistics and the Reliability of Trade Statistics. It is based on the world’s largest database of trade statistics, UN COMTRADE, and presents data for around 180 countries and territories by using both reported and mirror statistics.

OECD Compare Your Country

The OECD data tool allows compring counrties on key indicators, including trade, regulation, economic projections, development and various sectors such as agriculture and environment.


As the largest depository of international trade data UN COMTRADE provides well over 1.7 billion data records for 45 years and is available on the internet. It contains annual international trade statistics data detailed by commodities and partner countries are provided by more than 170 reporter countries. These data are subsequently transformed into the United Nations Statistics Division standard format.

UNESCAP Data & Research

The ESCAP online statistical database provides a regional perspective on development issues in Asia and the Pacific. The database, covering the 58 regional ESCAP Member States and Associate Members, contains 900 data series on a wide range of topics on population, education, health, poverty and inequalities, gender, economy, environment and connectivity. The online database is updated twice a year.

World Bank Open Data Catalogue

The data catalog is a listing of available World Bank datasets, including databases, pre-formatted tables, reports, and other resources. The Catalogue can be refined by topics, including trade, countries, regions and indicators.

East Asia Business Council

The objectives of the Business Council is to provide a private sector perspective and feedback to deepen economic cooperation and to promote the region’s economic growth. Furthermore, it aims to strengthen cooperation among the private sectors in ASEAN, China, Japan and Republic of Korea, as well as promote intra-regional trade and investment. It includes various features such as FTA gateway, tariff finder, an option to seek advice online as well as providing a network of chambers, buyers and sellers.

USAID International Data & Economic Analysis

As USAID’s comprehensive source of economic and social data and analysis, International Data & Economic Analysis (IDEA) brings together over 12,000 data series from over 125 sources into one location for easy access through the USAID public website. The data are compiled by countries, years and the sectors: economy, country ratings and rankings, trade, development assistance, education, health, population, and natural resources.