To enhance export capacity among Cambodian micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), GIZ SCSI in cooperation with the General Directorate of Agriculture (GDA) organised a two folded training from 06-08 November 2018. A one day training workshop on the Step-by-Step Guidelines for Exporting Fresh Banana, Mango and Longan Fruits to China was held in Phnom Penh. The theoretical part then was followed by a technical training in Kratie province to learn about practical steps and utilise the guidelines at the production site.

Building up on the experience of previous workshops on the export guidelines in March and August this year, suitable trainees were identified and selected for the training. Representatives from export companies, business associations, and further private sector actors involved or starting export of agricultural products to China were involved. After introducing the step-by-step guidelines again, participants were trained on specific export procedures of each chapter. Presentations included deeper looks into sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) certificates, certificate of origin (C/O), quality of agricultural products, inspection and logistics.

The speakers were identified regarding their expertise in a certain field of the export processes and came from the Department of Plant Protection SPS under GDA, Customs from Ministry of Economic and Finance, Cambodia Import-Export Inspection and Fraud Repression Directorate General (Camcontrol) from Ministry of Commerce and the China Certification and Inspection Company (CCIC). Speakers provided practical cases of agricultural products being exported and imported to China and provided further useful information during question and answer sessions.

As a second part of the training, before selected participants continued to join a study trip to see the banana plantation of Green Island Agricultural Development (Cambodia) Limited. On site, they learned about processes of post-harvesting, packaging, transportation and further agricultural techniques.

The training and the study trip aimed to improve the public-private dialogue in Cambodia as well as build up theoretical and practical capacity for Cambodian MSMEs. Participants are supposed to utilise their gained knowledge to improve export processes within their respective businesses. Next steps and follow-ups for the next year are currently in planning and will be discussed with partners on site.