From 23-25 November 2015, GIZ SCSI organised a capacity building workshop in Beijing for the Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) Secretariat and staff. Following the invitation of GTI, national coordinators and representatives from line ministries joined as well. The purpose of the workshop was to train GTI Secretariat and GTI focal points in writing Terms of Reference (ToR) and proposals following the GTI Strategic Action Plan and project guidelines in order to contribute to improved policy coordination and project implementation.
For this purpose, GIZ invited international capacity building trainer Vincent Gründler of Applicatio to facilitate the workshop. During the three days, around 20 participants of the training learned the principles for ToR writing and proposal formulation, deepened their understanding on GTI Strategic Action Plan and project guidelines and practiced ToR and proposal editing on concrete GTI examples. Following the invitation of the GTI Secretariat, UNDP China also gave an input on their approach on monitoring and evaluation.
The training brought together participants from GTI member countries and the Secretariat to discuss common issues, which further strenghtened the committment for GTI’s goal and objectives. At the end of the three-day training, participants drafted their own concepts to apply and share knowledge gained in their workplace. With the initial help of the capacity building activity, seven different transfer projects are underway to further enhance the conceptual work of GTI and its member countries.