Within the framework of Pan-Beibu Gulf (PBG) Economic Cooperation that encompasses the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Member states and PR China, maritime economy is one of the main focus areas for cooperation. In this regard GIZ is offering support for maritime chains and clusters.
Thus, the German Institute for Shipping Economics and Logistics (ISL) has been commissioned to provide training solutions for selected ports in the region.
From September 2014 to January 2015 a series of trainings were conducted with the goal to equip port management of the Phnom Penh Autonomous Port, Kingdom of Cambodia and Haiphong Port, Vietnam with hands-on knowledge. Challenges in the logistical chains were previously assessed with support from the private sector. The trainings then could be tailored directly to the need at hands. Port management staff were subsequently trained on the tools and knowledge to tackle the issues and improve logistical chains and clusters.
The main topics were logistics and hinterland transportation, integrated IT management, cluster management, and port cooperation to improve capacity in both ports and support regional economic integration. Overarching issues such as sustainable port business and marketing were addressed as well. The training included lectures as well as simulations and games, to immediately help participant practice the learned concepts.