Promoting products through social networking platforms (wechat, weibo) and e-commerce platforms (tmall, jd, womai) in China is very popular. However, communications materials which can introduce clearly and are according to Chinese consumers preferences (using standard Chinese language, brief, including suitable images and shots) on the advantages of Vietnam’s agricultural and food products are still limited. The SRECA project, implemented by GIZ on behalf of the BMZ, coordinated with the Asia-Africa Market Department (DoAAM) from the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT), Vietnam, to develop specific promotional materials and implement a number of activities to strengthen the dissemination and introduction of Vietnamese export products, by category and locality to the Chinese market.
As part of the cooperation between SRECA and MoIT-DoAAM, a video on mango production, processing, preservation, and packaging was developed for Chinese importers and consumers to improve promotion and understanding on Vietnam’s mangoes within the Chinese market. The intervention is part of SRECA’s support regarding trade-related services for Vietnamese small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to improve export capacities.
The promotional video will be shared to Vietnamese businesses, exporters and relevant agencies. Via multiple platforms, such as the website of MoIT/DoAAM, at physical and virtual trade fairs it will support Vietnamese mangoes in gaining more recognition. Additionally, through a variety of Chinese social media and e-commerce platforms a wide span of Chinese audience and potential buyers shall be reached. Jointly with MoIT-DoAAM further promotional videos for Vietnamese agri-products will be compiled based on the current experience.