GIZ is supporting the Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI) Mongolian Focal Points since 2011. Within this cooperation the Support of Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia (SRECA) project organises regular meetings and trainings for GTI Mongolian Focal Points (FPs) to strengthen regional project proposals in Northeast Asia driven by Mongolian stakeholders.

During the special COVID 19 situation, SRECA continues facilitating its activities, reaching out to GTI Mongolian FPs via online tools. After a first online training in May on project writing skills within the GTI framework the focus was this time on “Project Logframe”. The training was hold on 16-24 September 2020. One important pre-condition was that the participants had to had to have at least one project idea or proposal per institution to work on. SRECA assigned the APPLICATIO Training & Management GmbH to conduct the online training. Participants from the Ministry of Road and Transport (MRT), Mongolian Chamber of Commerce and industry (MNCCI) and Dornod Provincial Government attended. The training was implemented in 3 steps:

1. Online Training “Logframe and its components” 16th September: Input on the logframe approach with regard to project proposals in the GTI framework
2. Homework “Logframe development” 17-23 September: developing of project proposals based on the logframe approach.
3. Online Training “Logframe and its usage” 24 September: 2 Teams presented project proposals.

One project proposal from Dornod Province on “Illegal employment cross borders” was quite practical since there these issues occur on the border between Mongolia and China. The team from MRT presented the project proposal “Study on the capacity of the Eastern Vertical Railway Corridor of Mongolia and its connection to the sea”. Mongolia as landlocked country has no direct access to the sea and the railway network in the eastern region is not fully developed. Therefore, there are limited opportunities to transport mining products to third markets by sea.

The consultants adviced and coached the teams to improve the project proposals in line with the logframe approach. Together with SRECA and the particpants, the consultants jointly confirmed follow up steps in form of individual and virtual coaching to successfully apply the project proposals to the GTI mechanism.