Recently, the Asia Africa Market Department (DoAAM) of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Vietnam (MoIT), receives more requests from Vietnamese enterprises to provide updates export regulations and requirements to China about durian and passion fruits as well as to connect them with potential Chinese distributors and importers. Demand from Chinese businesses and associations is also increasing. Specifically, the CAEXPO organisers are proposing the Vietnam Trade Office Branch in Nanning to organise the “Durian Festival” on an online platform within the framework of the CAEXPO in 2022. The Vietnam Trade Office in Beijing recently also proposed to carry out activities to introduce and promote Vietnamese durian and other fruits in China.
On 26 August 2022, the Supoort of Regional Economic Cooperation in Asia (SRECA) project jointly with DoAAM and the Vietnam Trade Office in Beijing organised a hybrid capacity building on the export of durian and passion fruit for producers and trades in Buon Me Thuot city, Dak Lak province. 140 participants joined offline, 120 Vietnamese and 60 Chinese attended the event online.

Opening presentations were made by DoAAM, MoIT and the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Office from the the Ministry of Agricultre and Rural Development (MARD) on China’s market potential and issues to be noted when exporting fresh and processed fruits from Vietnam as well as technical requirements and necessary measures to manage durian and passion fruit supply chains to export to China.
Afterwards, the Vietnam Trade Office Beijing highlighted the demand of the Chinese market for durian, passion fruit and other fruits from Vietnam that can officially been exported to China as well as sharing general information on business and distribution of fruits in China. The Chinese side then shared insights on the demands and requirements of Chinese enterprises in importing aforementioned products from Vietnam. Finally, represnetatives of both sides exchanged experiences on requirements and export-import coordination. The event was closed with the signing of a Cooperation Agreement between Vietnamese and Chinese enterprises.
The conference is part of SRECA’s ongoing support to MoIT and its implementation partners in Vietnam to improve trade-related services in agriculture to local businesses.